For Further Information
Contact Aaron Schulenburg, SCRS Executive Director
Phone: (302) 423-3537 or e-mail: aaron@scrs.com
The BOT is HERE! Subscribe Today
Mechanicsville, Virginia, June 25, 2020 – The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) is pleased to announce the Blueprint Optimization Tool (BOT) powered by NuGen IT is now available for purchase at www.scrs.com/BOT. The BOT was recognized during the 2019 SEMA Show with a 2020 SEMA New Product Award and 2020 SEMA Global Media Award.
The repairer-focused BOT is a Microsoft Windows software application that automates the print version of the SCRS Guide to Complete Repair Planning. The BOT application operates alongside of the respective P-Page logic estimating application, utilizes CIECA estimate data to analyze the original repair line information. It then generates an electronic information estimate report that identifies additional repair operations that may have been overlooked.
The Tool is designed to increase efficiency by establishing consistency. It offers an organized means of identifying and adding missed opportunities by dynamically cross-referencing written estimates against the SCRS Guide to Complete Repair Planning.
Pricing for Non SCRS Members:
$139.00 per month for one computer access per location.
$29.00 per month for each additional computer per location.
Pricing for SCRS Members:
$99.00 per month fee for one computer access per location.
$21.75 per month for each additional computer per location.
There will be a $75.00 Installation Fee per location for all user accounts. SCRS members will receive substantial savings on the monthly subscription. SCRS encourages non-members to join SCRS and log into the member website before subscribing to the BOT product, in order to take advantage of the discounted pricing.
For questions about the BOT ordering process or billing, reach us at 877-841-0660 or botbilling@scrs.com.
For questions about BOT product configuration and technical support, reach us at
913-754-5243 or scrsbotservice@nugenit.com.
For more information about SCRS, or to join as a member, please visit www.scrs.com, call 877-841-0660 or info@scrs.com.
Through its direct members and 40 affiliate associations, SCRS is comprised of 6,000 collision repair businesses and 58,500 specialized professionals who work with consumers and insurance companies to repair collision-damaged vehicles. Additional information about SCRS including other news releases is available at the SCRS Web site: www.scrs.com. You can e-mail SCRS at the following address: info@scrs.com.